Albanian Media Institute with the support of UNESCO has started the
implementation of the project “Building Trust in Media in South East
Europe and Turkey, Phase II”, which is financed by the European
Commission. The project aims to enhance youth Media and Information
Literacy (MIL) skills through introduction of MIL in formal educational
system in Albania.
Albania Media Institute (AMI), as the lead local partner for Albania is
working in close cooperation with key actors involved in the field of
education, such as Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth; Agency for
Quality Assurance in Pre-University Education (ASCAP) etc.
The main activities of the project include:
* Technical support to authorities to formulate and adopt national
MIL policies, strategy and other regulatory documents.
* Technical support for MIL curricula development and adaptation
workshops with central institutions responsible for formulating,
adopting and accrediting curricula in Albania.
* Coaching of teachers and piloting of the MIL Curricula in secondary
and primary schools of Albania. National MIL workshops to present the
results of the MIL tentative piloting in Albania.
* Translation and dissemination of the new UNESCO Model Course for
Journalism Educators and Trainers on Journalism, Fake News and
Disinformation in local languages.