This space is devoted to promoting constructive journalism. It includes articles that contribute to the genre of media critique, with the aim of raising awareness of public opinion and media community on particular trends and reflections of media coverage. The analysis published in this section seeks to highlight and analyze significant approaches and instruments related to technical and ethical aspects of media literacy, as well as put the spotlight on examples of good and bad journalism.
This section is part of the regional project “Our Media: A civil society action to generate media literacy and activism, counter polarisation and promote dialogue” is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by partner organizations SEENPM, Albanian Media Institute, Mediacentar Sarajevo, Press Council of Kosovo, Montenegrin Media Institute, Macedonian Institute for Media, Novi Sad School of Journalism, Peace Institute and Bianet.
The articles in this section were produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.