The “Guidelines for Inclusion of Media and Information Literacy in the University Curricula” is a set of guidelines produced to orient pedagogues regarding the inclusion of media and information literacy (MIL) in the curriculum of the teaching branches of Albanian universities. Western experience so far shows that one of the most effective ways to spread MIL in society is its inclusion in the educational system, whether as a separate subject, or as content integrated into the curriculum of existing subjects, or even as a teaching methodology.
These Guidelines provide an introductory framework for lecturers, curriculum developers, teachers, students and researchers, introducing them to MIL topics and issues and present the aims of developing media and information literacy teaching and learning process. The document describes the expected outcomes or competencies from the development of MIL in the teaching professions. Also, the guide identifies key principles, processes and methodologies to be followed when researching, developing and implementing a curriculum for media and information literacy. The guide recommends relevant pedagogical frameworks and approaches and promotes MIL professional and lifelong learning. At the same time, it offers several options for strategies to implement the media and information literacy curriculum. The guidelines were drafted by a group of experts in media and information literacy and education.
The publication is part of the project “Media and information literacy for future teachers,” financially supported by Public Affairs’ Office of the US Embassy in Tirana. The opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this publication are only those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the State Department.