Following a needs assessment Baseline Study on the need to improve public communication related to violent extremism and terrorism, Albanian Media Institute created three modules of training, targeting specifically journalists, editors, students of journalism, and spokespersons. The first two modules of training are tailored to editors, journalists, and students of journalism, tackling the notions of violent extremism and terrorism, the driving factors, and professional aspects of the coverage of these phenomena. The third module was aimed at improving understanding and communication techniques between spokespersons of relevant authorities and the media. All of these modules were drafted and used in a series of six training courses in the framework of the project “Media and Government in Albania vs. Violent Extremism and Terrorism,” implemented with the financial support of the European Union, in the framework of a project managed by the International Center of Excellence Countering Violent Extremism HEDAYAH.
The training modules and the respective educational materials are available in Albanian and in English:
Reporting on VE and terrorism and/or other critical incidents (Albanian and English)
Supporting educational materials (Albanian and English)
Training on violent extremism, terrorism, and media literacy (Albanian and English)
Supporting educational materials (Albanian and English)
Training course for government spokespersons on issues of violent extremism and terrorism (Albanian and English)
Supporting educational materials (Albanian and English)