Albanian Media Institute with the support of Hedaya is implementing the Project “Media and Government in Albania vs. Violent Extremism and Terrorism”. The Project is funded by the European Union and managed by the International Center of Excellence Countering Violent Extremism HEDAYAH.
The overall objective of the Project is to improve the role of media and state actors in Albania in countering violent extremism and terrorism.
The first specific objective of the Project is to design and implement actions aiming at preparing journalists and government’s representatives to cover violent extremism and terrorism in Albanian and in the global context.
The main outputsrelated to the first specific objective will be: a Baseline Study on training needs,curricula and education material for training courses andworkshops; two training courses for students of journalism and journalists/editors on reporting terrorism; two training courses for journalists and media experts (journalism department lecturers, media researchers, trainers) on Terrorism and Media Literacy; two training Workshops for Government spokespersons on issues of violent extremism and terrorism. The target groups involved will be students of journalism, journalists and editors, government agencies staff and spokespersons.
The second specific objective of the Project is to enable the environment with enhanced relationships and promotion of professional, ethical principles, rules and fundamental values of journalism, particularly for CVE.
The mainoutputs related to the second specific objective will be: establishment and management of the Working Group of experts to draft the Ethical Guidelines on Reporting Violent Extremism and Terrorism; two meetings with stakeholders to discuss the Draft of the Guidelines; publishing the Guidelines and presenting them in a National Roundtable, and Closing Conference of the project organized. Thetarget groups involved here will be journalists, editors, journalism students and lecturers, media experts, media associations, human rights groups and government/public agencies staff as described above.