In the framework of the project “Building trust in the media in Southeast Europe and Turkey, Phase II”, Albanian Media Institute organized on December 10th, 2020 a national consultation with main stakeholders, with the aim to review the Baseline Study on National Policy and Strategy on Media and Information Literacy in Albania.
The meeting was organized via Zoom Platform and participants were the main stakeholders including: central government institutions (Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, Prime Minister’s Office); public institutions (ASCAP; National Library; Audiovisual Media Authority); international organizations (UNICEF, EU Delegation in Albania, US Embassy, Italian Embassy etc.); civil society organizations; public and private universities; media organizations, journalists, as well as media and communication experts.
During the meeting participants gave their comments and suggestions on MIL Strategy which will be included on the final version of the Strategy. The final product of these national consultations will be the updated Strategy Document that will be shared with the government representatives and policy making bodies.