The monitoring report “Portrayal of children in electronic media” analyzed the way issues related to children are covered in mainstream electronic media. The monitoring analyzed the cases of different events and topics related to problems of children. The methodology was based on a comparative approach of the legal and regulatory framework for audiovisual broadcasting, the Broadcasting Code, on one hand, and the journalism practice, on the other hand. The monitoring is based on quantitative, qualitative, and comparative analysis. The monitoring report also includes the respective recommendations for the relevant stakeholders, such as the regulatory authority, the newsrooms, and the public broadcaster. The monitoring provides an overview of the situation of broadcasting in the country, but also on the regulatory framework related to coverging children in the media. It also depicts the main trends noticed on coverage of children through several case studies of main news editions in the main national television stations. The monitoring focuses especially on the ethical aspects of coverage of children in the media. A special section is also devoted to the role of the public broadcaster in the overall attempts to improve coverage of children in the media. The monitoring report was part of a project supported by Audiovisual Media Authority.