Project co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund
Our project will focus on the safety and practice of investigative journalism in V4 and the Western Balkans. Ever since the death of the investigative reporter J. Kuciak in Slovakia rippled through the international community it has been clear that investigative journalists need the knowledge and tools to be able to protect themselves in order to carry out their work. I has also been clear that the nature of the cases they follow has become increasingly international as proved by many cross-border initiatives.
The project has four goals
1) to showcase replicable examples of What’s Working in investigative journalism
2) to level the playing field for investigative
journalists and media experts in the region with those in the rest of Europe/world in terms of access to current information, skill building and networking.
3) to include in conversation regions that tend to be underrepresented in large international gatherings. 4) to support a new
generation of journalists by giving an opportunity to journalism students to take part in our gathering, put their skills to work and start
building connections within the journalistic community.
The project is realized by KEYNOTE and the project partners are:
Albanian Media Institute (Albania), Balkan Investigative Reporters Network (Bosna and Herzegovina), Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary), Crime and Corruption Reporting Network – KRIK (Serbia), Denník N / N Press (Slovakia), Department of Media Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk Univerzity (Czechia), Dept of Media and Communication, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, University of M. Curie-Sklodowska (Poland), Independent Journalism Foundation/Center for Independent Journalism (Hungary),The Stanislaw Brzozowski Association/Krytyka Polityczna (Poland), Transitions (Czechia).