A group of Albanian journalists, editors, media experts, and professors of journalism participated in a public campaign aiming to send messages about the role of journalists and the challenges they face. The messages focus on investigative journalism, transparency and media financing, the role of public service broadcasters, the disinformation trends, and conditions of journalism in the country, with the intention of reminding citizens of what really matters in professional journalism and how to recognize trustworthy information.
The campaign was prepared and implemented by the Albanian Media Institute and will be broadcast during January and February 2020. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness among the public on supporting and demanding professional and ethical journalism that serves the public interest.
This initiative is part of a regional campaign to raise awareness of the importance of free and professional media and is part of the project “Media for Citizens – Citizens for Media” being implemented in Albania, BiH, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia with financial support from the European Union.