Six civil society organizations were awarded sub-grants for their project proposals aimed at strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to contribute to preserving and protecting media freedom and pluralism in the Western Balkans. The projects are planned to target small towns and rural communities. The call for proposals was published from Albanian Media Institute and open from October 2020 to January 2021. The call was open for civil society organizations in Albania focusing on operating in the fields of media, education, human rights, or gender equality.
After completion of administrative check of the 31 project applications received, the National Evaluation Committee proceeded with the qualitative evaluation of the project proposals based on the published criteria in the package of the call for proposals. The evaluation process led to a second round of the call, restricting the proposals to eight civil society organizations. At the end the Commission decided to support six of the project proposals that received the highest evaluations, a decision that was also supported by the Regional Steering Committee. This call for proposals is part of Resilience: Civil Society for Media Free of Hate and Disinformation, a regional project supported by the European Union and implemented in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
The list of organizations whose projects will be supported through this grant program is available in the following attachment: