The overall objective of the project is to support the development of independent and accountable media in the Western Balkans. The project is led by Center for Independent Journalism, Bucharest, and focuses on in five Balkan countries, where AMI is the Albanian partner. The specific objectives of the project are: to improve the capacity of media organisations to address working and education conditions of journalists; to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes of journalists with respect to advocacy and media literacy; to inform and sparkle educated public debates on freedom of expression in general, and media freedom in particular; to broaden the stakeholders’ and civic support for media sector reform processes; to support the accession process of the five IPA countries in the project (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.) The project will aim to achieve this through the following activities: research on employment conditions of journalists and on education needs for journalists and the public; freedom of expression and of media monitoring and advocacy; training sessions on advocacy and media literacy; advocacy activities.
Supported by EU