The objectives of this project are:
– To strengthen the role of the Albanian media in the implementation of the new justice reform in Albania;
– To improve the professional skills and capacities of Albanian journalists in reporting justice issues.
In order to address these objectives, the project activities consist in the following:
– The organization of the Justice Reform Media Academy, which will give journalists the necessary knowledge about new legislation and the basic principles of justice reporting and will test them through writing 20 articles on reform implementation.
– The drafting and publication of a Manual for Justice Reporting for Journalists, which would contain on the one hand, the necessary explanations on the new Albanian legislation, and on the other, the implications that this legislation contains for the media and freedom of expression in general, as well as basic principles of media reporting in this field.
– The creation of a Justice Reform Media Monitor that will analyze the tendencies, trends and main problems of media reporting on justice reform and will provide the necessary recommendations.
– The organization of two television debates with experts of the field of justice and media representatives in order to discuss about the progress of the implementation of justice reform and the role of the media in this process.
The project duration is 12 months.
This grant is supported by the ‘Civil Society programme for Albania and Kosovo’ financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with Partners Albania for Change and Development (PA).
For more information about the Project, contact Agim Doksani: