In the framework of the project “Towards improved labor relations and professionalism in the Albanian Media”, supported by European Union, the Albanian Media Institute, in co-operation with International Federation of Journalists, selected three projects of Albanian media associations and organizations among the applications for the first call of sub-grants within this project.
The Union of Albanian Journalists will implement the project “Structuring the Organization with Capacities Against Informality”. The project aims, on one hand, to restructure the Union of Albanian Journalists, and, on the other hand, to investigate informality in the work relationships of journalists at the national level and informing institutional decision-making.
Informal employment remains a problem of great concern in Albanian media. In the conditions when the media organization or companies do not release data on employment or other statistical data, including staffing situation, insurances coverage, etc, UAJ will conduct an investigation that will result in initiate in a panoramic and statistical report that will shed light on the current situation in the media labor market.
The change the project aims to achieve cannot be fulfilled without a strong organized Union, which not only would defend the rights of the journalists but also set the example for other associations to follow; creating in this way a chain reaction that would empower journalists. In this context, the Union will aim to boost and expand the local branches for a broader and improved representation in order to face the challenges of an informal media labor market. In addition, the Union will be responsible for structuring its local branches to incorporate journalists of public media and to offer them the possibility of organized self-representation through a formal structure.
Finally, the Union plans to hold elections in the local branches it has in cities other than Tirana. An intensive informative campaign will be implemented by the Union to inform the public on the general goals and activities of the Union of Albanian Journalists and the specific activities of the local branches. (Union of Albanian Journalists website: FB: )
Albanian Media Council will implement the project “Self-regulation – ACT 1”. The main goal of the project is to enhance the understanding of the general public about self-regulation on one hand and the consolidation of the Albanian Media Council on the other. The aim of the Project is to make the public not only understand what is the self-regulation and the complaining process, but, more importantly, to raise public awareness that self-regulation works only if the public is actively involved in this process.
Project will initiate a Communication/PR campaign for AMC, consisting in visiting various online media offices and explaining them the self-regulation process through informal discussions about the Code of Ethics and Guidelines.
Project will follow with producing promotional materials for self-regulation – especially two targeted info-videos. AMC intends to produce two info-graphics with a high production value and try to make them viral in social media, aiming to reach around 50,000 people for each of the info-graphics. Additional traditional tools of promotion will be also produced, such as leaflets with info-graphics. These will be particularly useful for the visits in the media newsrooms and the Universities. Project consists also in visiting four University Cities (Shkodër, Vlorë, Durrës, Korçë) to promote and discuss with local journalists and students about self regulation. AMC will organize extended discussions with students of journalism and other branches on issues of self-regulation, media literacy and new media. Local journalists will also take part in the discussions.
Project will support also monthly meetings of the Board of Ethics, which will address complaints and also discuss the findings from the Monitoring team of the Media Observatory. (Albanian Media Council website: , FB: )
Finally, the Albanian Center for Quality Journalism, in cooperation with the Citizens Channel, will implement the project “Reaching for fair labor conditions: Gazing at the future of Young and Prospective Journalists”. The principal goal of the project is raising awareness on the issue of job relations and benefits of young and prospective journalists, and the action for the introduction of legal and administrative remedies for the safeguard of their rights.
This goal will be achieved through the accomplishment of the Project activities, that will include a comprehensive overview of the situation of young and prospective media workers and the conduction of a national survey with young journalists and journalism and mass communication students; carrying out a comprehensive overview of the legal framework granting rights and benefits to journalists, and the best practices implemented in EU Member States for the issue of internships while studying, with a concentration on the aforementioned group of beneficiaries; the accomplishment of an awareness raising campaign on the issues affecting the young journalists, etc.
The project will also include students of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana; Public Relations Department, Faculty of Political Science and Law, University of Durrës; Department of Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Humanities, University of Elbasan; and the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Shkodra.
During the implementation of the different activities envisaged for the realization of the project, it is expected that the working group and staff of the two centers implementing the project, will benefit from the capacity building workshops on the legal and research topics, as well as the networking opportunities provided in the outreach campaign as well as the action for the determination of the cooperating groups of students, media managers and media CSO-s. (Albanian Center for Quality Journalism website: , FB: )