This Project will be implemented by Albanian Media Institute in partnership with International Federation of Journalists.
The Project objectives are:
-Supporting media organizations and professional journalist associations’ capacities to strengthen professional standards, ethics, and promote and protect the right to freedom of expression.
-Supporting CSO initiatives to advocate for improved labor standards and promote laws, standards, and practices that protect freedom of opinion and expression.
Project activities include:
Realization of a Mapping /Survey on status of journalists and Media Organizations and Media Associations in Albania and organization of a Roundtable to disseminate and discuss the findings and discuss recommendations of “Maping”.
Organization of four capacity building and leadership training courses for journalists’ associations and media organizations.
Organization of three Training of Trainers Courses on topics related to the new challenges and developments in media proffession: Fact Checking, Data Journalism, and Internet Ethics.
A Sub-granting scheme that will support innovative initiatives of journalist associations and media organizations on protecting and promoting journalists’ rights, labour relations, media ethics, access to information, etc. 6-8 Albanian media organisations and journalist associations are the main core target group of the project. They will be part of the activities organized by AMI in capacity building and at the same time they will benefit from the Sub Granting Scheme.
The duration of the action is 30 months.
This project is supported by the European Union.
For more information about the Project, contact Agim Doksani at